Modular Meetup Costa Rica
August 22, 2024

On August 22th, 2024, the Blockchain Association Costa Rica (AsoBlockchain), in collaboration with Celestia, hosted the Cripto Cantina ‘Modular Meetup Costa Rica’. This educational event was designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of Celestia Network and what a modular blockchain is.

Celestia is a modular data availability (DA) network that scales securely with the number of users, empowering individuals to initiate their own blockchain networks with unprecedented ease. Modular blockchains represent a new paradigm in blockchain design. Instead of a single blockchain performing all functions, modular blockchains specialize and optimize to fulfill specific functions. This specialization offers advancements in scalability, flexibility, and interoperability, enabling developers to create blockchain applications for mass adoption.

Moncho Santos Dios from Cúmulo explained to the participants that Celestia allows deploying one’s own customizable blockchain with the same ease as a smart contract. Additionally, it offers the capability to transform virtually any virtual machine into your own sovereign chain, unlocking dynamic performance that scales based on the number of users.

Stay connected and keep an eye out for our future events, as we continue to explore and engage in the dynamic world of technology!